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Investments Pipeline Free Template

Pipefy’s Investments Pipeline Template is designed for fund managers who want to track and control all new investment opportunities arising around the globe.

Keep your funding flowing

Use this Investments Pipeline Template to pursue funds and move them through the phases of your pipe, which can be shared with people who could introduce you to potential deals and help you get a meeting.

Collect data about the opportunities, such as sector, portfolio, brokers, and check size. Keep a close eye on your metrics to quickly reprioritize deals and act quickly.

Build a strong investments pipeline

Make better decisions

Collect and analyze data to find the best deals.

Create and share forms

Gather information to spot the best opportunities.

Automate manual tasks

Send emails, assign team members and automate several manual tasks with this Investments Pipeline Template.

Customize to fit your business needs

This template comes with a suggested structure, but it doesn’t mean you can’t modify its steps, forms, colors, fields, integrations, and much more. Pipefy helps you tailor a process that fits your business goals.

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Through forms shared with your stakeholders, collect information, and spot new investment opportunities.

Standardize your workflow

Our Investments Pipeline Template enables you to jump-start your funding analysis through a view that’s divided into phases, which drives your team to an organized and easy-to-follow process.

Automate manual tasks, such as sending emails, and connecting processes.

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Improve what you can

This template comes with a suggestion of dashboard. It extracts real-time data from your Investment Pipeline and turns it into charts that help you analyze metrics and improve your business decisions.

Adapt this template for your needs and hit the ground running

Fast and simple to deploy

Get started with your process in minutes with this easy-to-use template.


Customize your unique needs without help from the IT department.

Wide app integrations

Connect your ERP, HRIS, CRM, and other existing tools with Pipefy to build a truly integrated operation.

Connect Pipefy to your favorite software with ease

Finance and Purchasing Teams love Pipefy

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Capgemini Logo

Pipefy gives us the control we need to ensure everyone abides by our rules and policies. It’s the best solution on the market if you want something you can customize to your needs to take control of your procurement process.

Mauricio Rizzi Customer Service and Procurement Manager

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