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Collaborative Idea Management Free Template

Empower each and every member of your team to submit new ideas for your company. Pipefy’s Collaborative Idea Management Template will help you implement and strengthen a culture of innovation in your workplace.

Foster an environment of creativity and innovation

If bureaucracy and lack of communication are getting in the way of great ideas and innovation, the Collaborative Idea Management Template will help you unleash your team’s potential. This free template was specially designed for companies that want to foster an environment of openness, creativity, and collaboration.

Implement a workflow to receive, organize, debate, and evaluate your team’s ideas for solving problems or starting new projects. No great idea goes to waste and everyone will be able to contribute ideas back to their department or company.

Screen and evaluate all submitted ideas and decide whether they are appropriate for your organization. Team collaboration and submission feedback can all be managed via the template. You can also customize it to send automatic email notifications during any phase of your process.

Make sure your team will collaborate to come up with new solutions

Foster a culture of innovation

Make it easy for everyone to submit new ideas and ensure that every voice is heard.

Easily collect new ideas

Share a link to the online public form and receive ideas in an organized manner, in a single place.

Review and evaluate suggestions

Use the workflow to evaluate all ideas and allow the entire team to communicate and collaborate.

Collect every idea and ensure everyone is heard

Ensure all of your team can contribute new ideas by creating a customizable form that’s shareable with everyone. Encourage your employees to fill in the form whenever they think of new solutions, products, or ideas that might be good for the company.

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All submissions will be centralized on the Collaborative Idea Management Template where you can view and evaluate them for viability. As a result, you will foster an environment of openness, innovation, and collaboration.

Have a standardized workflow in place to guarantee all suggestions are considered

When you have a standardized process in place, with well-structured, easy to follow phases, you will ensure every suggestion will be reviewed and considered. Screen all incoming ideas, share them with other stakeholders, and implement the best candidates.

You can follow our evaluation criteria suggestions: ease of implementation, the impact generated by the idea, and the resources needed to put it into action. Or you can customize the template to add any relevant criteria so the process will follow your own rules. It’s also possible to use the template as an idea database, where you can store ideas until a later date.

Pipefy’s Collaborative Idea Management Template also enables your team to communicate within the platform, making this idea process truly collaborative.

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Evaluate your process for efficacy

Access the template’s Reports and Dashboards features to evaluate your process effectiveness. Extract metrics such as the number of ideas received, and how many were implemented. Use data, such as who submitted the most ideas, to motivate others to participate.

With the Collaborative Idea Management Template, you can make sure you are on the right track to innovation.

Adapt this template for your needs and hit the ground running

Fast and simple to deploy

Get started with your process in minutes with this easy-to-use template.


Customize your unique needs without help from the IT department.

Wide app integrations

Connect your ERP, HRIS, CRM, and other existing tools with Pipefy to build a truly integrated operation.

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