Five Habits of Successful Social Media Experts

In this day and age, it is almost impossible to find a successful company or brand that doesn’t have an active presence on social media. Companies are using social media to spread awareness of their brand, drive traffic to their website or blog, engage their customers, and even provide customer service. According to research by Smart Insights, 63% of customers expect companies to provide customer service through their social media channels, and as much as 90% of them have communicated with brands via social media. This is both a challenge and another useful tool for social media experts.

Social media growth seems to be fueled even more by the emergence of mobile devices, with 91% of people on social media using their smartphones or tablets to access their accounts. If you are trying to get your business or brand to become a success story, you need to have a firm grip on social media in order to run effective campaigns. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the five habits of successful social media experts you need to implement yourself.

They are consistent

While it is tempting to rest on your laurels once you start seeing your social media campaigns taking off, what you should be doing is working even harder. The most essential habit of all top social media experts is consistency. Whether you are posting twice a week or once a day is beside the point here, although you should be posting high-quality stuff as often as possible. It may seem simple at first, but sticking to a schedule can be very hard, especially if you are trying to manage all the other aspects of your business.

People are creatures of habits, and just like they get excited for their favorite TV shows when they come on on Tuesdays, they will react more if you’re constantly sharing new posts, regardless of whether you are running a fashion business or a custom essay writing help service.

They are great at building relationships

When it comes to social media, experts will tell you that your success depends not just on what you know, but also on who you know. One of the things that can help you make your business a smash hit is your ability to develop meaningful relationships, on several different levels. We are talking about building relationships between you and members of your team, managers, and employees of your company, your supplier, peers, members of the media and even your competitors.

You don’t even need research or superior dissertations in order to see why this habit is so crucial. Social media is all about the people, it’s in the name itself, and you need to keep that in mind at all times, regardless of your marketing budget or your level of success.

They interact with followers

Of all the relationships you need to nurture as a social media expert or marketer, this is the most important one. A lot of brands and businesses make the mistake of not allowing their human side to show through, so they come off as a faceless and generic corporate entity. Today’s audiences are looking for brands that are able to engage them and provide them with a more personal experience that feels genuine. Make your followers feel important and valued by taking a few hours every week to respond to their comments, answer their questions or follow them in return. In order to facilitate that sort of interaction between you and your social media followers, you should end your posts with a question, which will spark an organic conversation.

For instance, if your brand’s target audience is college students,  take the time to provide them with some tips on how to make themselves more productive, how to choose the best essay writing service and all the other stuff college kids might be interested in.

They research customer needs

As a social media expert, you should ask your followers about their needs and pain points as often as possible. However, in some cases, that might not be possible, or the followers themselves might not even be aware that they need something. This is why you shouldn’t just rely on their input or your gut feeling. Instead, you should try and gather as much useful consumer data as possible. Collecting customer data using Google Analytics and/or other similar applications can provide you with a keen insight into the habits and behaviors of your customers, and why they are choosing to interact with your brand.

That way, you will be able to determine which social media channels are working for you and which ones need to be dropped so that you can direct your resources to deliver exactly the sort of content your social media followers want to see to a platform they prefer.

They keep an eye on competitors

Thanks to the Internet, the entire world is your market, which means plenty of opportunities, as well as plenty of competition. All social media experts, whether they like to admit it or not, are keeping tabs on what their direct competitors are doing. There is always going to be some keyword you have failed to target, some marketing blind spot you haven’t seen right away, and some type of content that you haven’t utilized yet, all of which your competitors are using to their advantage.

Take a moment to see what they are doing, but instead of copying them, try and understand why they are doing it, and use their best ideas to come up with your own, superior strategy.


Adopting these five habits will help you become a better social media expert, which will not only improve your relationship with your followers/customers but also your entire business by inspiring trust, driving more traffic to your website, and boosting your bottom line. Good luck!

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